
At the women’s clinic, we walk you through the nine important months, extending medical assistance and counselling to ensure that both mother and baby remain in good health. We also offer advanced facilities for safe delivery. We provide an environment of support encouragement understanding to make the birthing process an enjoyable and memorable one.

Our facilities include :

  • Antenatal care for both low risk and high risk pregnancy
  • Antenatal education – Nutrition, Exercise, Breast feeding, Child birth
  • Spacious and well lit birthing suite
  • Operation theatre located next to the birthing suite in order to handle emergencies
  • Lactational counselling and massage therapists for a comfortable post delivery experience
  • Neonatal intensive care unit for sick babies

Childbirth/Delivery :

  • Natural childbirth – Here at Nankem Hospital we believe that every woman has the potential to give birth with only support encouragement and empathy as nature intended. We want to let you be in control over your body and provide medical intervention only when needed.
  • Painless delivery – Epidural anaesthesia is also available at our hospital should you wish to be relieved of the intense pain during labour.
  • Cesarean section – Emergency/Elective
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